Training for WARUNG NAIK KELAS AND Signing of UMA MoU with Bukalapak

Category Seminar
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Medan Area University were a Training in Warung Naik Kelas by Bukalapak and at the same time the signing of an MoU with Bukalapak Gelanggang Campus I of the Medan Area University on Tuesday, January 8, 2019 at Campus I, Universitas Medan Area Jl. Kolam No. 1 Medan Estate.

The activity was attended and opened by the Rector of the University of Medan Area Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan, M. Eng, M.Sc as well as the signing of the MoU with Bukalapak, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs H. Muzzul, SH, M.Hum, Chairperson of UMA PKK Ahmad Prayudi, SE, MM, UMA Public Relations Ir. Asmah Indrawati, MP, the training participants who attended, and also attended the Bukalapak Team

#Warungnaikkelas is a forum given by Bukalapak through activities organized by UMA to Bukalapak agents and partners to establish a modern warung.

One of them is by establishing partnerships with Bukalapak because Bukalapak is a technology company that tries to provide convenience in facing the digital era and online-based economic flows that are growing rapidly in Indonesia.

Bukalapak partners who have joined will get ease and time efficiency with the supply of goods contained in the application. For example, today's transaction, today the item will be sent.

Mitra Bukalapak encourages customers to come to Bandung, one of which is the QR code scan feature, the QR scan method makes it easy to purchase goods along with the promos given by Bukalapak and so on.

The UMA Chancellor greatly appreciates the training of the grade-level training stalls because in the current era the purchase of goods is already based online in every online store application, especially now that there are stalls that are already online, so it's very easy for customers to shop online.

In the training, the resource persons who gave training on how to become Bukalapak's partners were Daud Leonardo, a novel as a national acquisition lead, Billy Kristanda as a national community acquisition lead, Sanji Usman as a national community acquisition lead, Constantin Call as a branch manager in Medan.