Launching Aplikasi Smart Campus Berbasis Android dan IOS

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Rektor Universitas Medan Area Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan M.Eng M.Sc didampingi Kepala Pusat Data Aplikasi Informasi UMA Ady Satria ST. M.kom me-launching secara resmi aplikasi akademik berbasis mobile android & IOS, pada Selasa 21 Mei 2019 di Kampus I Jalan Kolam No. 1 Medan Estate.

Guna mendukung penyelenggaraan pendidikan, perguruan tinggi idealnya menyediakan layanan informasi yang lebih baik dan efektif kepada civitas akademikanya. Untuk itu, penggunaan sistem akademik berbasis elektronik sangatlah diperlukan. Hal itu diterapkan Universitas Medan Area (UMA) dengan meluncurkan aplikasi akademik berbasis mobile android & IOS.

Peluncuran resmi aplikasi tersebut dilakukan Rektor UMA Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan M.Eng M.Sc. Turut hadir menyaksikan peresmian peluncuran aplikasi itu Wakil Rektor Bidang Akademik Dr. Ir. Hj. Siti Mardiana M.Si, Kepala Pusat Data Aplikasi Informasi (PDAI) UMA Ady Satria S.T M.kom, Humas UMA Ir. Asmah Indrawaty MP., orangtua dari mahasiswa dan mahasiswa yang mewakili perstambuk.

MCSE boot camps have its supporters and its detractors. Some people do not understand why you should have to spend money on boot camp when you can get the MCSE study materials yourself at a fraction of the camp price. However, who has the willpower to actually sit through a self-imposed MCSE training.

MCSE boot camps have its supporters and its detractors. Some people do not understand why you should have to spend money on boot camp when you can get the MCSE study materials yourself at a fraction of the camp price. However, who has the willpower

MCSE boot camps have its supporters and its detractors. Some people do not understand why you should have to spend money on boot camp when you can get the MCSE study materials yourself at a fraction of the camp price. However, who has the willpower to actually sit through a self-imposed MCSE training. who has the willpower to actually
